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A wedding that was overflowing with joy, love and humour from start to finish

Pure joy and love at the Llawnroc Hotel!

I met Roxanne and Yam a few months before to discuss their wedding at the Llawnroc Hotel. We talked about the day and got to know each other. It’s always great to meet a couple face to face and even better to actually meet at the venue. We talked about wet weather contingencies (always essential in Cornwall!) and particular shots they wanted.

On the day John and his amazing team at the Llawnroc Hotel immediately made me feel welcome. The sun was trying to shine and it was dry enough for everything to be set up on the terrace.

Time for a few photos of Roxanne and her father on the stairs before the ceremony began. It was a beautiful ceremony and we continued despite a bit of heavy drizzle. The ceremony ended with a triumphant, celebratory dance up the aisle to ‘We Go Together’ – fantastic!

We had so many backdrops for the group shots; stairs, balconies, doorways and a beautiful view down to the sea. A nice bit of downtime for the guests while Roxanne and Yam disappeared off with me for some photos.

After an hilarious game of hide and seek (not just played by the children) everyone went into the impeccably decorated dining room.  There was some wonderful attention to detail from the team at The Llawnroc for example the napkins set out like little dresses and dinner jackets.

How else are you going to enter to dinner at your wedding than to ‘We Will Rock You’? This was a wedding that was overflowing with joy, love and humour from start to finish. After a wonderful dinner, with a hog roast and more hilarity from the speeches I took my leave and left the happy couple to enjoy the rest of their evening.

What a wonderful day, it was a pleasure to photograph your wedding at the Llawnroc hotel Roxanne and Yam.